Monday, January 24, 2011

Two Years Home

My days go by so quickly.  There is always something going on.  With a large family, there is always something to do.  My intention is to keep you all updated through this little blog, but honestly, it doesn't make it on my to do list very often.  Every other day or so I keep thinking, " I will get to the blog, update you all, let you know what is going on in our lives, how Abeba is doing and update you with some pictures."  Unfortunately, blogging time takes the back burner and is put on a very low simmer!  I have wanted to post about Abeba's two year Gottcha Day, which was back on the 12th of Jan.  But, here it is the 24th and I am just now getting around to it.  As I like to say, better late than never, so here is an update!

We really can't believe that Abeba has been home for two years.   Our time with all of our children seems to go faster with each year and she is no different.  We celebrated her Gotcha Day with Ethiopian dishes (I am beginning to get the knack on how to do it!) and chocolate cake (definantely not Ethiopian, but Abeba's request!).  We ended the evening with home videos of our home coming at the airport and little snipets of her first year home.  It was fun.  We all had some good laughs and shed a couple of tears.

A little update on our little miss.  Abeba is doing really well.  Our bonding has happened, all the attachment has taken place...all those things that the social workers get you all worked up about.  Abeba is a spicey gal, full of spunk and energy.  She is everything that any typical 3 year old should be.  She loves to laugh, pick on her brother (and vice versa!), likes to eat junky stuff, and really loves to be the center of attention.  Justin and I have certainly been challenged as parents with this little gal.  We have seen how God has prepared us for these challenges with the little quirks that each of our other kiddos have.  Certainly, the challenge we face most with Abeba right now is her rebellion and disobedience (told ya..typical 3 year old stuff!).

Justin and I talk often about how adopting Abeba has made the picture of our heavenly adoption so much more clear. (These conversations surface most after a long day of repeated offenses!) How often as sons of the Most High do we rebel?  How many times does our Lord have to tell us to stop repeating a certain sin?  How many times does our Lord have to discipline us?    Honestly, it happens often for me..


Our Lord is long-suffering.  He is merciful.  He is gracious.  He is gentle.  He is kind.  Always.

The picture of our Lord being all these things to us has made this process easier.  We are constantly reminded of these attributes of God, through the life of our daughter.  I am thankful for that, for it reminds me to show her all these Godly characteristics......even when my sinful self doesn't want to!

The past two years have not been easy.  They have been the hardest Justin and I have gone through together.  But, we would both do it again in a heart beat. 

We both believe that our Lord does not want us comfortable.  He calls us to do hard things.  He calls us to serve.  He calls us to persevere.  Earthly adoption is NOT easy.  It is NOT always comfortable.  It is NOT always easy to serve a toddler who pushes you away, BUT we are told to do it wholeheartedly, as if we were serving the Lord (Eph 6:7)

The past two years may have been tough at times, but they have been a joy.  It has been a joy to see a small little girl grow to love her new family.  It has been a joy to see her be a sponge in her new culture.  She has learned so much, oh so much.  It has been an even greater joy to hear her say her prayers and to have an opportunity to learn of a loving God that has her life in his hands.

We wouldn't trade this for anything.  Our children are a heritage..... each one of them....a heritage from the Lord. A reward from Him.  (Psalm 127)  

We thank God for our children, each one of them.  We thank God for all the things that each one of them has taught us and the blessing that they have been and will be to our lives.


Melissa Chapman said...

You are both very much role models! You are such a bright light in a darkening world!

Kelsie said...

It's hard to believe that it's been two years already! We're so thankful to have seen, though from a short distance, your journey. We love Abeba and look forward to seeing her each time we visit church!