Sunday, June 14, 2009

VBS, Garden Party and Picnic

This past week was a busy week for ourselves and our church family. A week ago today we kicked off a week of VBS with the Cedarville University's Master Puppet Team. A group of 6 college kids came and shared their puppet ministry for Bible school. We only do VBS every few years and this was our year to do it and the kids loved it. It is a great way to do Bible school for our church especially since the college kids do the bulk of the preparations. The team did a fabulous job presenting the story of Christ's love. I just love sharing that story, don't you?

Abeba seemed to enjoy the singing and puppets somewhat. This really upset her schedule, but we managed. I had to switch out teaching the 3rd and 4th grade with the prek so I could be with her, but that was alright. She seemed to enjoy it more when mom was by her side.

Friday night we had the puppet team to our home to hang out and have dinner. It was fun being in a relaxing atmosphere with them and the kids thought it pretty special to have the puppeteers to their home. We ate and then spent about 2 hours sitting on the porch singing together hymns and choruses and even got out in the yard to dance around a bit doing motions to songs. I am grateful that we have no close neighbors so we can be as loud as we want :)

Saturday our ladies gathered for our annual garden party. We chose a lady's home (yard actually) to all join at and then we have girly food and have a short devotional. Everyone brings a plant start from their garden to share, a plant exchange we call it. We enjoyed ourselves very much! I always look forward to it.

Hannah enjoying one last time with the girl puppeteers

To top off the week we all joined at a local park today for our annual church picnic. I must say all of us ladies were pretty tired of cooking by today but we survived! It was a relaxing afternoon with the fellowship of God's people gathered around some good food!

Hopefully, this week I will be able to catch up on some things here. We are getting ready here at home for our big 4th of July party. That always takes a lot of preparation. It is always an exciting time here getting ready for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to my little neice? She looks so grown up with that hair cut. She looks 16. Man I am feeling old